Hello, Friends!

Thank you for taking the time to explore my page! I'm Lindsay Rogers, a former Kindergarten teacher and current Quest teacher at Bowdon Elementary School. I graduated from University of West Georgia in 2010. I have been teaching ever since and made a home at BES in 2017. I am proudly #builtbybowdon and love my community! I enjoy teaching, crafting, painting, farming, and traveling. All of my amazing children, Jenni-Lyn (22), Gunnar (20), Gareth (18), and Lilli-Ann (7) have attended or currently attend Bowdon schools. They enjoy learning, science, sports, and helping their mom at school. Mr. Rogers is a Sergeant for Clayton County Fire. When he is not at the firestation, he helps to educate students and adults in fire safety. We firmly believe in #bowdonadvantage!  

Lindsay Rogers
Lindsay Rogers

Click the image to watch our BESN channel!

Lindsay Rogers
Farm Club

Click the image to register.

STEM jr.

Click the image to register.

Lindsay Rogers
Lindsay Rogers

Club and Team Meeting Dates and Times

STEM jr.
Farm Club
science olympiad

Schedule Coming Soon!


Schedule Coming Soon!

National STEM certification badge

Meet Our Farm Animals!

Male Brown Nigerian Pygmy Goat- Prince

Male White Nigerian Dwarf Goat-Marshy

Male Tri Colored Pygmy Goat- Ferdinand

Ducks- Quackers and Sir-Quacks-alot


Roosters- Big Daddy Jr. and Little Daddy(Israel)

Pot Bellied Pig- Poppy

Kune Kune Piglet- Pumpkin